PORT COQUITLAM (NEWS 1130) – It’s an idea from a 13-year-old in Port Coquitlam straight from the pages of a Harry Potter novel.
Matthew Moran runs “Matthew’s Magical Marvels”, something he’s been doing for the past three years.
“I entirely did this because I really enjoy Harry Potter, and I knew I would enjoy Harry Potter wands”, says Moran.
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He says this all began as a class assignment, where students had been told to create a product that would eventually be sold at a ‘market day’, which is essentially a craft fair.
“I was attending a business sort of course, called “Build a Biz Kid”, says Moran. “So, I had actually done an art class, and during that art class, we learned how to make magical wands. So, I thought it would be a good idea, because I’m really into Harry Potter, to make magical wands as my product.”
He says he makes the wands from items you generally find around the house, like chopsticks and hot glue. However, some of the trickier designs also include clay.
“Usually when I use clay, it’s a sign the wands are pretty difficult, because I have to make it a lot more detailed,” explains Moran.
He says he can usually make 10 in a period of two weeks.
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Moran says he’s usually out at craft fairs selling his wares, but he’s been using Facebook marketplace to during the pandemic.
“I’ve gotten quite a few people, they’re really nice,” says Moran. “Actually, somebody at Granville Island, called ‘Just Imagine’, I was doing a craft fair there, and they actually wanted to take my wands and put them in their store. So I found that really cool.”
He says he plans to head out to a Surrey market in the Clayton area on June 27th.